The little girl became popular because she dresses like an adult woman.

Maya Basol from Turkey is about to turn nine years old, but she is already a regular in shows (as a model), manages her Instagram account, and earns thousands of likes, all because she loves to dress up and pick her own clothes, rather than choosing from typical nursery outfits.

The baby has the correct facial features from birth, and her mother has decided that she will enhance her beauty and instill a sense of style from a very young age.

Social media users couldn’t help but pay attention to this beauty. Currently, more than 250,000 people have subscribed to her page. Furthermore, she and her father have a culinary YouTube blog.

Maintenant, Maya aime vraiment assister à des cours de natation et de chant. Mais hélas, il n’y a pas de temps libre pour les jeux, son emploi du temps est programmé à l’heure.


Turkish fashion houses invite her to participate in events where she creates a sensation.

You are absolutely right. Whether it is right or wrong is not for us to judge; time will tell. The photographs show that the girl is happy and enjoys what she does, and isn’t that the most important thing? Ultimately, the happiness and well-being of the child should be a primary consideration, and if she is genuinely content with her activities, it can be a positive aspect of her life. It is essential to support and respect her choices as long as they are made willingly and with proper care for her overall development and happiness.

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