1/8 Single women are far from unhappy It is better to be alone than in bad company, as the saying goes. And they seem to be especially true for women. According to a study, more women are happy single than in a relationship. 2/8 Nearly two-thirds of single women are satisfied The market research company Mintel conducted an extensive survey on the subject. The results were shared in an article published on the Psychologies.com website. And the conclusion is clear: women’s level of satisfaction is higher when they are alone. 61% of female respondents said they were happy to be single compared to 49% of men. 3/8 Single women have more time and freedom The reason is simple. Celibacy gives them more autonomy and freedom. They are freer in their choices and are not accountable to anyone.
They also benefit from more time to devote to activities that are important to them and to their hobbies. 4/8 Women are responsible for many tasks “There is evidence that women spend more time on domestic tasks than men and I think they also do more emotional labor – so they do even more housework, cooking and other work,” said the Dr Emily Grundy, one of the authors of the study at The Telegraph newspaper. 5/8 The pressure is greater on women in relationships This is also one of the main difficulties highlighted by women who live as a couple. They have difficulty combining work, married life and personal life. They are therefore frequently forced to make concessions and are subject to “social pressures and high expectations.” 6/8 More women than men are not looking for a partner The study also revealed that most single women do nothing to try to find a soul mate. 75% admitted that they have not looked for a stable relationship in the last 12 months. As for men, only 65% have not tried to find a partner.
7/8 Loneliness weighs more on men than women It is between the ages of 45 and 65 that the difference is most notable between the two sexes regarding their level of satisfaction with being single. At this age, 32% of women are happy to be single compared to only 19% of men. Suffice to say that loneliness weighs more on the male side at an age when retirement is approaching. 8/8 Single women have more friends Experts also noted that single women are not alone. This is one of the other benefits of being single. “There is a common finding across many studies that women who do not have a partner tend to do more social activities and have more friends,” said Dr. Emily Grundy.