Anna-Maria Giannini, a resident of the United States of America, saw an ad on the net that breeders were adopting Tibetan Spaniel puppies. She went to look at the babies and immediately noticed that one of the little dogs was very different from her brothers and sisters.
“When I arrived, I was told that one of the puppies had a deformed body and they couldn’t find him a home. Because of this, he could be euthanized. But I already fell in love with him and planned our next year together before the owners finished their frightening speech, ”Anna-Maria said when she had already taken the baby home.
As it turns out, the dog has a genetic mutation that has prevented its spine from fully developing, a disease called short spine syndrome. This does not prevent Tilly from enjoying life.
It is only inconvenient for her to climb into a chair and take care of her hair, but her loving mistress helps Tilly with all this. She still loves the dog just as much as when they first met.
Anna Maria Giannini stated: “When I picked her up, she was a small, dirty, fluffy ball. She fit perfectly in my hand, and as we drove home from there, she lay on my lap and looked at me with her big brown eyes. I knew she needed me, and I needed her myself.”
She is a little offended that cruel memes are being made with Tilly, but she understands that not all people will be able to perceive her unusual dog as a normal pet. As the woman says, “being different is something special.”