Two teenagers are walking through their neighborhood when they notice a crowd around a car. As they approached, they tried to understand what the crowd was looking at, but it was an extremely strange scene. A creature was frozen and unable to move. The boys knew they had to act quickly to ensure the animal survived, but they had no idea how to help the poor animal. This happened in the Canadian city of Saint Andrews in New Brunswick, as reported by the CBC news channel in Canada. They became heroes for their actions. Noticing a group of people around them, they wanted to see what had caused them to stop and stare.

But even up close, they weren’t sure what they were looking at. The animal was barely recognizable and appeared to be frozen “Before and after”. Thanks to Jaydon and Aiden, this little guy will be fine. ❤️ Posted by St. George Veterinary Clinic on Monday, May 20, 2019 A squirrel was trapped under a car and covered in insulation foam. They knew the animal didn’t have much time left to live. “There was nothing to see,” 15-year-old Jaydon told CBC Canada. The boys knew the squirrel needed help, but weren’t sure how to get it. So they went to a grocery store and picked up a small milk crate to house the squirrel. No one around them knew what to do, and over time the situation worsened. The boys called their friends and family to ask for help. Jaydon’s mother intervened and contacted a veterinary clinic 20 miles away and was told to bring the animal in immediately.

The article continues below the photo “Before and after”. Thanks to Jaydon and Aiden, this little guy will be fine. ❤️ Posted by St. George Veterinary Clinic on Monday, May 20, 2019 “I had never seen anything like it,” said Dr. Melanie Eagan of St. George Veterinary Clinic. According to her, the squirrel was so embedded in the insulation foam that it could only move its hind legs slightly. “Before and after”. Thanks to Jaydon and Aiden, this little guy will be fine. ❤️ Posted by St. George Veterinary Clinic on Monday, May 20, 2019 If the boys hadn’t acted so quickly and Jaydon’s mother hadn’t helped them bring the squirrel back, it might not have survived.

The vet suspects the animal may have been living in a person’s garage, basement or shed and got stuck in the material. Got into trouble “Someone was probably plugging a hole to stop a draft from going through, and this little thing ran through it while it was still wet,” she said. “But this material hardens pretty quickly, and it wouldn’t have taken long for it to be in distress.” She explains that it took time, patience, and isopropyl alcohol to remove the foam from the animal’s fur. It was then brushed, causing the animal to lose some of its fur. The squirrel has since been released into the wild. Photo: Facebook/St. George Veterinary Clinic Luckily, these two sensitive young people acted quickly and were able to save this poor creature! Feel free to share this photo to pay tribute to their efforts!