The driving style of your car will tell you the whole truth about your character.

It’s funny, but if you look at how the driver holds the steering wheel of his four-wheeled friend, his character depends.
Our picture shows ten options for how drivers most often hold their hands.

Find out among them the style that you most often adhere to.

Found it? Then it’s time to read a lot of interesting things about yourself!

First type – Minimalist
You always simplify everything and discard possible complications. You easily part with things and people. You have very few friends, but all of them are time-tested.

Second type – Comedian
Very creative and positive personalities, around whom ideas are always bubbling. You definitely won’t get bored with such people!

Third type – Messenger of Peace
Never raise your voice just like that. Always look for compelling arguments to argue with. You have a calm disposition.

Fourth type – Lover of cleanliness
You always achieve success. In your activities you adhere to the established plan. Sometimes you go into the smallest details.

Fifth type – Alarmist
You do not like change and will never make rash decisions. Your motto: “It’s better to just measure seven times than to cut at all.”

Sixth type – Adventurer
Always take everything from life! Love adventure and intrigue. You always make the most of any given situation.

Seventh type – Chief
Wise, self-critical and organized. If someone needs practical advice, they always come to you. Your main “zest” is the ability to well organize any, even the most complex, process.

Eighth type – Mr. Reliability
You support even the enemy in the most difficult situation. One can only envy your sincerity.

Ninth type – Cold calculation
Never show your feelings in front of others. Always act according to thoughtful calculations. You never take anything to heart.

Tenth type – Going ahead
You don’t care about the opinions of others. You always achieve what you planned. Anyone who is not on your team is always against you!

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