Pits and Craters. Unfortunate photos of Scully from “The X-Files” all bundled up have circulated on the internet.

I’m sure many of you remember Scully from “X-Files.” The actress who brought the cute agent to life recently celebrated her 55th birthday. Gillian Anderson was spotted on vacation, and the paparazzi, of course, couldn’t resist such an opportunity. The photos, taken sneakily, have circulated all over the internet.

She looks amazing for her age,” “Gillian is simply beautiful,” “She hasn’t changed at all over the years,” “It’s like she never hit 30,” “A completely ordinary woman just like the rest of us.”

As if anyone at 55 looks better,” “Beautiful lady,” “What unfortunate shots,” “Are the photographers satisfied with themselves? Why show a beautiful woman in this state?” “These paparazzi know how to spoil the mood.”

“She is beautiful in all her forms,” I read under the photos of Gillian Anderson. What do you think? Share your thoughts with us under this post.

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