A duck participated in the New York marathon with special shoes for its legs

Impressive what this duck can do with its paws. Become a real star in the space of a few days on social networks, Wrinkle the duck (Wrinkle the Duck) ran the famous New York marathon.

Some time ago, a duck with the first name of Wrinkle became known on TikTok and Youtube. His particuliarity ? Wrinkle is a runner. She runs all the time, everywhere: the street, the house and now the New York Marathon .

A rapid notoriety and a feat that his masters, or rather Wrinkle , shared on social networks. In his first TikTok videos, Wrinkle opened up about his daily marathon training. And the Peking duck quickly went viral with over 10 million views and 15,000 comments!

A star duck supported by brands and marathon spectators

After Wrinkle’s sensational announcement, all eyes were on the future marathon runner. In order to ‘run’ in optimal conditions, Wrinkle’s masters took care to make him homemade duck shoes.

On Sunday, November 7, 2021, it was therefore ‘webbed’ in her running shoes that Wrinkle presented herself at the New York marathon . And it is not in unknown territory that Wrinkle has entered. Approached on several occasions by brands such as Adidas or the American ice hockey team, the Anaheim Ducks, Wrinkle could count on the unwavering support of its admirers.

It was encouraged and greeted by young and old that Wrinkle completed her first marathon. The caption does not say where Wrinkle ended his run. But one thing is for sure, she definitely won the hearts of fans.

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