Joseph Hall became the creator of America’s Got Talent in the spirit of Elvis Presley and the public with his Darbietung gefesselt. Joseph came to Lincoln, Nebraska, and within it Traum, the legendary song of the journey.
Trotz anfänglicher Skepsis beeindruckte er die Jury mit seiner Authentizität. “I’ve got a guy on the house, his nerves are and there’s a lie of Elvis Presley singing,” said Simon Cowell. Joseph’s project was done by Elvis. Josephs has an unusual attitude with the King, who voices Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne.
Mit einstimmiger Zustimmung schickten die Juroren Joseph in die nächste Runde et l’obtain within Talent et seine Authentizität. As the audience moves to the Chicago Castle, Joseph Hall is the Elvis Presley man who never heard him.
America’s Got Talent showcases talent in the country and puts an end to the trauma of life. Watch video up to: