Father leaves his 3-year-old daughter alone in the kitchen for 10 minutes without imagining what will happen next

New York, meet the future champion of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. Over the weekend, British father Aaron Wysol went out for just 10 minutes and returned to see a sight that left him both stunned and impressed. Wysol left Olivia, 3, alone with her brother Oscar, 6, when she went into the yard to repair their garden fence.

The children’s mother was in another room, leaving the two unattended. While Wiseall regularly returned to the kitchen to check on her children, she was surprised when her son rushed over to tell her that Olivia was eating yogurt. When he returned to the kitchen 10 minutes later, he found Olivia sitting in front of a giant pile of empty yogurt pots.

Whysall looked around the room and the house to make sure the yogurt had not been used as nail polish for their walls, but had in fact consumed all 18 glasses of dairy, every last one. fridge. “When I found Olivia with the 18 yoghurts I asked her ‘Have you eaten them all’ and she proudly said ‘Yes’,” the Nottingham father told the Mirror, adding that he had also lifted his spoon in triumph. in the air as he admitted.

He called his partner, Billy Hardy, who could hardly believe what he was seeing, according to Whysall.

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