Sahar Tabar, a young Iranian woman, rose to fame with her amazing transformation. Through multiple plastic surgeries, Tabar wanted to resemble legendary Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. However, her changing appearance and quirky choices sparked a storm of debates and controversies. At just 19 years old, Tabar reportedly underwent over 50 surgeries to improve her looks. While she may not have explicitly stated her desire to look like Jolie, her fans have definitely seen the connection. Tabar used social media as a platform to show off her drastically changed facial features, including gaunt cheekbones, plump lips and a significantly different nose.
It is worth noting that there is speculation about the authenticity of these operations. Some have expressed doubts and suggested that the images may have been heavily edited or digitally altered. Tabar’s social media presence, especially her Instagram account with almost four million followers under the pseudonym @sahartabarofficial, drew attention to her unusual appearance. However, her controversial content ultimately led to the removal of her account, much to the relief of her disapproving mother. In an interview with Russian website Sputnik, Tabar revealed that it was never her intention to completely resemble Jolie. Instead, she viewed her appearance as a form of self-expression and art. She emphasized that her fans are aware that her exaggerated looks do not reflect her true self.
The consequences of Tabar’s actions were serious. She was arrested in October 2019 on charges of posting blasphemous photos on Instagram. In addition, she was accused of illegally acquiring property, inciting violence, negatively influencing youth, making money unethically and violating the country’s strict dress code for women.
The young woman received a long sentence of ten years and was imprisoned in Qarchak, which is known as one of the harshest women’s prisons. During Tabar’s imprisonment, Iranian activist Masih Alinejad used social media to raise awareness of the case. Alinejad called on real Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie to voice her opinion. With Tabar released after 14 months, Alinejad’s plea is a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by activists fighting for justice and human rights in Iran.