A boy named Tom is a special child. Dogs have been his greatest passion since he was a child. This became clear when he was just 2 years old. He could pretend to be a dog for days. He often growled and barked and sometimes moved around the house on all fours. When he was outside, he noticed every dog he met and wanted to play with everyone. It quickly became clear that a puppy would appear in their home. And this is what finally happened: His parents brought a dog named Lynn. Tom was overjoyed. This little boy was sitting quietly on the side of the road when suddenly a huge dog walked over him. He was a little surprised and started screaming as loud as he could! What could have been the reason for his screaming and surprise? All because Lynn suddenly got lost somewhere. What could have happened to their beloved pet? Little Tom’s heart was broken and the boy was desperate. The parents accidentally left the kitchen window open and Lynn probably jumped on the table and then ran through.
The window was high enough that the puppy couldn’t come back. Tom’s parents tried to see what the chances were of Lynn getting home on her own. It certainly couldn’t have been through the window as it was a foot and a half above the ground. That’s too high for such a young dog. So they decided to leave the back door open all day and night. But five days later there was still no sign of Lynn. Not only did the boy have tears on his cheeks – his parents were also sad. The woods behind their house stretched for more than 50 miles! Together with their neighbors, they searched for over a month. But Lynn was gone. Slowly everyone began to accept that they would probably never see her again. The resigned parents had to give their son the sad news: “Darling. Mom and Dad looked everywhere, but we couldn’t find Lynn.
We are so sorry and we hope you forgive us. And if you want, you can pick out a new puppy from the pet store or animal shelter.” Tom didn’t want to hear about a new puppy. He said he never wants a dog again because no dog can replace Lynn for him. He would probably miss another puppy if he disappeared too, he said. Tom’s complaint lasted over 10 minutes. Tom wasn’t the same boy anymore. He locked himself in his room and completely cut himself off from the outside world. It seemed like he had lost his love for dogs. His parents hoped it was just a phase that would pass quickly, but that was far from the reality. It got worse over time. The effects were evident at school. Tom didn’t want to attend class. He was often rude to his teachers and made life difficult for his classmates. Tom transformed from a happy, smiling boy into a frustrated and irritating bully.
When he was kicked out of class for the fourth time that week and his parents had to go to the principal again, it was too much. Tom stayed home and has been studying at home ever since. He was too disruptive in class and teachers worried that he was not only bothering others but also affecting his future. A child without friends can have problems as an adult,” his teacher said. It’s better for Tom to be in a safe home environment. Hopefully familiar surroundings will change his behavior and he can return to school quickly. But staying at home didn’t help much. The boy’s mother was on the verge of a breakdown.