The actor has gained weight and now sports graying hair.”
Tom Welling became known through the TV series ‘Smallville,’ where he portrayed the young Clark Kent, future Superman. It has now been 12 years since the project’s conclusion. During this period, the main actor has changed significantly. Today, even his biggest fans find it difficult to recognize him.”
Tom Welling rose to fame through the television series ‘Smallville,’ where he portrayed the young Clark Kent, future Superman. It has now been 12 years since the project’s conclusion. During this time, the lead actor has undergone significant changes. Today, even his most devoted fans find it difficult to recognize him.”
Tom has gained a significant amount of weight, but it has only added to his charm. Even with a few extra pounds and a gray beard, Welling remains a favorite of the audience. At 46 years old, the actor still maintains that sparkling twinkle in his eyes that overshadows all his minor external imperfections.”
Although he doesn’t appear as frequently as his fans would like, the actor continues to act in movies, much to the delight of his fans. For the past four years, Tom has been married to Jessica Rose Lee, a businesswoman, and together they have two young children.”