Thelma is an adorable elderly cat who has unfortunately been abandoned by her masters. Fortunately, good Samaritans opened the doors of their home to her and provided her with much-needed care. She is now fully enjoying all this love.
In early October 2022, the non-profit organization Best Friends Felines saw the arrival of a golden age cat named Thelma.
Her owners had abandoned her because they were no longer able to afford veterinary fees.
The volunteers of the association could not imagine Thelma ending her life in a cattery cage. They then appealed to the community for help so that a foster family would take care of her.
Fortunately, a volunteer showed up. The very day of her arrival, Thelma entered a warm home where she instantly felt at ease, reports Love Meow.
The unfortunate 22-year-old had not received the care she needed.
“It arrived by courier and in a pitiful state! She was incredibly skinny, full of knots and hairless patches, but what a sweet soul she is,” the Good Samaritan recounted.
Thelma was therefore examined by an animal doctor. She received treatment for a urinary tract infection and was shaved so that her skin condition could also be treated.
“She immediately looked completely different! And we could see that she felt better, ”added her benefactor.
Thelma takes advantage of the rescue group’s palliative care program. She will therefore spend her last years within this affectionate and caring family.
Likewise, she will visit the veterinary clinic as soon as she needs it.
The elderly cat is extremely grateful to her rescuer. She shows him all her gratitude with her most beautiful purrs.
“She will live the rest of her life with her adopter’s endless love, a full belly and a comfy basket,” Kelly of Best Friends Felines concluded.