Throughout his life, Bean shared his joie de vivre and gave happiness without counting, even beyond his activity as a therapy dog. Recently, his family had to say goodbye to him after a long battle with the disease.
Bean was loved by all. This Golden Retriever had had a great career as a therapy dog, helping many struggling people to regain their spirits and forget about anxiety.
The announcement of his disappearance has therefore upset countless people both in Pennsylvania, where he lived, and elsewhere in the United States and even abroad. It was made on October 13 on the Facebook page dedicated to him, reported WFMZ.
“It is with heavy hearts that the Never Bean Better Pack announces that our leader Bean crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night,” his family said in the post. The family promises, moreover, that she will perpetuate the work of the deceased canine by continuing to come to the aid of those in need and to give them happiness. “Our work has only just begun. His legacy will live on,” we can read about it.
The quadruped had cancer. He passed away peacefully at the age of 13, surrounded by all the members of his family. A few days earlier, he was vacationing with the other house dogs on Chincoteague Island in Virginia.
The Facebook page dedicated to Bean was created by students of its owner, Michelle, who was a teacher at the time. The dog’s popularity had only grown since, starting with a television appearance several years earlier. The Golden Retriever had embodied a canine having detected paranormal activity in a reconstruction for the needs of a documentary, broadcast on an animal channel.
Bean was so famous and well-liked that he had a day in his name on the calendar; Never Bean Better Day is celebrated on August 22, his birthday.