The all-you-can-eat buffet in restaurants is synonymous with food waste. Here is the new measure to curb customers who abuse it.

The most profitable restaurant 1/7 The most profitable restaurant The all-you-can-eat buffet has established itself in the restaurant industry in France. Indeed, this formula works and appeals. It must be said that we feel like we got what we paid for. Whether it’s sushi and other Asian dishes, Indian dishes or Ethiopian cuisine or more continental options, not to mention the high-end brunches… 2/7 This gastronomic and economical buffet to know We’re getting our fill of it! In Narbonne, a restaurant specializes in gastronomic buffets with a menu costing 52.90 euros. However, you must book well in advance to ensure you have a table. 3/7 A risky choice for restaurateurs In Eure, a restaurant makes its formula the bedrock of its business. She also helped him relaunch his activity after the health crisis. “It saved the restaurant,” enthuses the manager at the microphone of TF1. However, it is a double-edged sword. To avoid costs due to waste, restaurateurs will work harder. 4/7 The increase in waste Would you mind having some more squid fritters? Maybe not… In Finistère, two all-you-can-eat buffets made a tough decision. Indeed, many customers eat by eye, eager to make their bill profitable. However, the leftovers on the plate unfortunately end up in the trash. 5/7 These restaurants have found the anti-waste solution! In Quimper, two restaurants, Atlantis and Aigle Royal, have decided to penalize those who have stomachs bigger than their bellies. “At a time of galloping inflation, particularly in energy, and greater difficulty in supplying raw materials, we wanted to raise awareness among our customers,” said one of the bosses.

Thus, he will charge 5 euros to any customer who does not finish his plate. In other restaurants, it is more of a threat intended to dissuade customers from refilling. Here, we don’t joke about food waste. And 5 euros more on the bill, that’s getting colder. 6/7 How much are the fees? At more than 8 per table, the number climbs quickly. A table would one day have had to pay the additional sum of 45 euros! We cannot say that this measure is contested by customers. Far from there ! Many people even welcome this decision. Especially since the two restaurateurs offer a choice offer. 7/7 This solution to no longer waste Anti-waste baskets every day, to also limit waste. An offer made possible thanks to the Too Good To Go application. “People have understood that ecology is now everyone’s business and are sensitive to our message, said one of the managers of these restaurants to Actu .fr. We hear that adults keep an eye on their children’s plates, asking them to taste before helping themselves, for example.” Many restaurants with all-you-can-eat buffets are therefore likely to follow suit…

The all-you-can-eat buffet has established itself in the restaurant industry in France. Indeed, this formula works and appeals. It must be said that we feel like we got what we paid for. Whether it’s sushi and other Asian dishes, Indian dishes or Ethiopian cuisine or more continental options, not to mention the high-end brunches… We’ll get our fill! In Narbonne, a restaurant specializes in gastronomic buffets with a menu costing 52.90 euros. However, you must book well in advance to ensure you have a table. In Eure, a restaurant makes its formula the bedrock of its business. She also helped him relaunch his activity, after the health crisis. “It saved the restaurant,” enthuses the manager at the microphone of TF1. However, it is a double-edged sword. To avoid costs due to waste, restaurateurs will work harder. A heavy bill for abusive customers Would you mind having some more squid fritters? Maybe not… In Finistère, two all-you-can-eat buffets made a tough decision. Indeed, many customers eat by eye, wanting to make their bill profitable. That being said, the leftovers on the plate unfortunately end up in the trash. In Quimper, two restaurants, Atlantis and Aigle Royal, have decided to sanction those who have stomachs bigger than their bellies. “At a time of galloping inflation, particularly in energy, and greater difficulty in supplying raw materials, we wanted to raise awareness among our customers,” said one of the bosses. Thus, he will charge 5 euros to any customer who does not finish his plate. In other restaurants, it is more of a threat intended to dissuade customers from refilling. Here, we don’t joke about food waste.

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