Two decades on, identical twins with different skin tones

Twins usually have extremely similar looks. However, we want to tell you about two girls who, although identical twins, were very different when they were born, which goes against what is generally expected. Something extraordinary happened in Britain in 1997.

Devoted parents Vinson and Donna welcomed twins in a hospital. Lucy and Mary were the girls’ names. However, because the children’s skin tones were different, their mother had a hard time believing they were twins when she first saw them. Lucy had blonde hair and blue eyes since birth. Mary, however, had stunning brown eyes and dark skin.

The fact that the twins’ appearances were so different made them extremely unique. It’s rather rare! Overall, they look like ordinary sisters. Like other siblings, they fight from time to time but also work things out. They each have distinct personalities and methods of operating. Here’s an example: Lucy, who has a fair complexion, likes to wear dark makeup. Mary, on the other hand, likes to wear lighter, more natural tones due to her dark skin. Their makeup and clothing preferences are diverse.

The girls are very different from each other, but they have curly hair in common. However, Lucy frequently tries to straighten her hair because she doesn’t like the way it is curly. Mary doesn’t look like her sister at all. She has a wide social circle, loves the limelight and is an excellent communicator. Lucy, on the other hand, is a little more reserved and enjoys the time she spends alone. Regardless, the girls recognized that they were each other’s closest people and that they were unable to envision their lives without the other being their twin.

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