In England, an abandoned cat has been found with a heartbreaking letter written by its former mistress.
Recently, staff from Manchester’s RSPCA (the world’s first humane organization) rescued a little female cat who had been abandoned by her owner.
On the day of the rescue, the one-year-old furball wore a heartbreaking letter around her neck. In the missive, the young woman explains that she can no longer take care of her animal and begs the shelter to find her a new loving family.
“My name is Lilo (Lee-Low) and I’m one year old,” the note read. “My mom is sorry, she loves me very much but she can’t keep me anymore. I like treats and blankets (…). I am an indoor cat. I love to play and am very independent, but love cuddles and sleeping at the foot of the bed at night. I’m a good girl and my mum hopes someone will love me more ”.
The letter ends with “PS: I’ve been with my mom since I was born, so I’m not used to other people.”
The furball finds a new home
As the British daily Metro points out, the RSPCA shared the note on its Facebook account last Thursday.
“ This is Lilo. She was dropped with this note. She was a very scared and shy cat, but thanks to the details provided by her owner, we were able to place her in a foster home that replicated her original home,” the post read.
Luckily, the quadruped quickly adapted to its new environment and formed a strong relationship with its foster mother. Today, Lilo lives happy days with her new masters.
“We would like to especially thank his foster mother (she is American) and his adoptive mother, because without them, we would not have been able to carry out this project”.