After having her ovaries removed due to cancer, she is finally fulfilling her dream of becoming a mother

This 38-year-old Briton thought she would never realize her dream of becoming a mother after having to face cancer. Finally, his dearest wish came true, for his greatest happiness.

Stacey Broadmeadow has always dreamed of being a mom . But she saw her dream crumble when she learned that she had a very rare cancer in 2017. That year, the 30-year-old began to feel “ very sharp pain in the area of ​​[s]on appendix and it turned out that [s]on appendix was bursting , ”she told the Sky news media .

Stacey had several tests where she was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called pseudomyxoma peritoneum (PMP), and that she could lose her ovaries. Devastated by this horrible news, Stacey saw her plan to be a mother fall through.

” But luckily my doctor was very positive and kind of gave me hope that she would be able to treat me and the prognosis might be good .”

The young woman did well to listen to her doctor and to keep hope. Stacey was cured of cancer in the midst of the Covid pandemic. Then resumes her dream of becoming a mother despite the difficulty that this entails.

Stacey resorted to IVF treatment when only two embryos were found to be good. “ We managed to get four embryos, but only two went to the next level. So I only had two embryos. One was transferred but unfortunately I had a miscarriage with that one , ”she regrets.

Everything then rested on the last embryo. ” After having a miscarriage I kind of thought the dream was over and I was never going to have a baby, but I thought to myself, ‘I have one last chance, I’m going to try’ ” . This test was the good one for Stacey who found herself pregnant for her greatest joy.

In November 2022, her little Harry was born. The happy mother has since been fulfilled and does not hide her joy: “ I feel that I will live so many adventures with this little boy. We are going to have so much fun. My life will be more balanced, it will be full of love and happiness ”. It’s all the harm we wish him.

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