In December 2021, a very special girl named Ayla enriched Christina and Blaze’s lives in South Australia. However, Ayla was born with a rare condition called bilateral macrostomia, which causes her mouth to be wider than usual. This happens because the sides of the lips do not fully fuse together during fetal development.
While this anomaly makes it difficult for Ayla to eat normally, it also gives her a permanent, charming smile. Unfortunately, due to her condition, some have compared Ayla’s appearance to fictional characters.
Bilateral macrostomia is extremely rare and only affects a handful of people worldwide, Ayla being one of them. Fortunately, corrective surgery is available for this condition.
The procedure is relatively simple and is intended to close the corners of Ayla’s mouth so that she can eat and develop normally. Small scars can occur, but these can later be minimized with laser treatment.
The operation is still to come, but Ayla’s parents remain positive. They actively share videos of their daughter on social media and receive an overwhelming outpouring of support from people who believe that everything will be fine for Ayla after the procedure.