A goat hugs its owner and cries like a human so he doesn’t sell it in a touching video

This disturbing sequence takes place in India: the video plunges us into a particularly poignant moment. It shows us how very strong the bond between animals and humans can be. It’s hard not to fall in love with this poor goat who cries like a human when leaving his master. The latter is also shaken by this separation, but apparently he has no other choice but to sell his animal. Indian user “Ram_Vegan” shared this terribly moving video on Twitter: we see a goat crying like a madeleine in the arms of its owner.

At the market, surrounded by people, the man was reluctantly selling it. His shock is palpable, he hugs his goat tightly before handing it over to its new owner. This heartbreaking video went viral online, causing a wave of emotion among Internet users. “Even if they don’t talk like us, animals also experience feelings and strong emotions. Even though they can’t say it, they love their owners very much. And, when they separate from it, their soul suffers a lot…”, underlined the man.

The crying goat And he doesn’t think he’s saying that well. According to the India Today site, the user is not far from the truth, because goats have a very particular language: they are used to crying or bleating to communicate. They can thus emit very significant vocalizations when they are hungry, when they are injured or to signal danger to their flock. Shared on the networks, this viral video collected hundreds of comments from sensitive souls who could hardly bear the weight of the tears of this poor, touching goat.

So intense, his grief tears the heart. “All animals have feelings, kids too, whatever humanity thinks. I especially hope that this goat was not sold to be slaughtered. I pray that the person who bought it keeps it for as long as they live. It seems that the owner had no choice and that he needed money…”, remarks a user.

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