“From a huge bun to a perfect model!” 😱 All the students in the class bullied this girl because of her weight, but now the men are crazy about her 🤤😍 See what she looks like in the article 👇👇👇 Brianna Bond knows exactly what it’s like to be ridiculed by her classmates. Even in elementary school, the girl was always chubby. She weighed 45 kg in first grade and gained weight every year. When she was 9 years old, she weighed 84 kilograms and even had difficulty walking.
She often stopped to rest. Every day she was laughed at by her classmates and criticized at school. She gained weight because her parents always spoiled the girl and Brianna constantly ate sweets and junk food. The whole family always went to a fast food restaurant. But of all the family members, only the girl began to gain weight. When the parents realized that the matter was already serious, they turned to the doctors. Then it became clear that there was no health problem and doctors diagnosed obesity. She was required to go on a diet, walk a lot and exercise. After that, the girl stopped eating sweets and junk food. Parents and children walked several kilometers every day.
The girl started swimming, running and playing basketball. Brianna was often tired, couldn’t get anything done, and was always hungry. She says she often hated her parents because they didn’t allow her to eat sweets. But the chubby girl quickly lost weight. The school noticed that Brianna was changing for the better every day. Brianna not only got rid of the ridicule, but also achieved success in sports. When she was 13 years old, she took part in the Olympics. Now she shares her secrets for success with those who have the same weight problems.