The dog is heartbroken after his adoption fell through. He stares at the wall all day, then something happened… 😭 Check below

When homeless pit bull March was first picked up from the streets, he was a relaxed and happy guy, writes ilovemydogsomuch. The staff at the City of Philadelphia Animal Shelter was confident that this handsome and well-behaved boy would soon find a forever home. But staying at the shelter soon became a traumatic nightmare for March. March wasn’t used to being in cramped kennels surrounded by other frightened animals waiting to be adopted.

This left a mental strain on him and his sparkle began to fade. However, the biggest disappointment for him was being rejected by a family who had promised to adopt him just because he wasn’t as “playful” as they expected. March was devastated to learn that the family that chose him ultimately canceled the adoption and returned him to the shelter. Once back in his cold kennel, March looked visibly defeated and depressed. He stared miserably at the wall, crouched in a corner and refused to interact with anyone. When local news reporter Dawn Timmeney found out about March, she decided to share his heartbreaking story on social media.

The frightening images of March’s dejected kennel attitude attracted immense attention in the community – and that changed this dismal boy’s life forever! Within 3 days of Dawn’s efforts on social media, a rescue organization came forward to take March in before his death list date loomed. It was a rare triumph when March made his freedom run from the shelter! The new rescue is an organization that does not kill animals and will take good care of March until he finds his forever family.

While March’s story ends on an optimistic note, there are millions of shelter dogs who are euthanized because they cannot adapt or find homes in a timely manner. Let us do our part and become the voice for these unfortunate souls. Spread the message. Click on the video below to see how March’s image as a depressed dog saved him when he was too sad to face the world.

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