A simply dressed woman with a sad face walked into a supermarket!

A simply dressed woman with a sad face walked into a supermarket! She approached the owner and asked him if she could take some products and pay later. In a quiet voice she explained that her husband was very sick and could not work, that they had seven children and needed food. The store owner, unmoved, asked the guards to throw the woman out of the store. The woman, however, thinking of her family, continued to plead: “Please, I will pay as soon as possible.”

The owner of the store said he could not give food on credit to someone he did not know. There was a customer standing near the entrance to the store, listening to the conversation. The customer came and told the owner that he was interested in his wife’s purchase, but he ignored her. The shop owner called the woman and asked: “Do you have a shopping list?”, she replied: “Yes sir”. “Okay, put your list on the scale and while you weigh the list I will feed you,” he said. He hesitated for a moment and picked up a piece of paper upside down and wrote something on it. Then the woman anxiously placed the paper on the scale.

The scale immediately sank as if I had placed a stone on it. The shopkeeper and the customer looked at her in surprise. The shop owner started putting food on the other side of the scale but it didn’t even move so more and more food but since the scale never fit she couldn’t take it anymore and took the piece of paper. to see if there is a trick. The shopkeeper looked at the paper and read in amazement… It wasn’t a shopping list, it was a prayer that said, “Lord, the Lord knows my needs, I leave this situation in Your hands.” The store owner gave the woman all the groceries that were on the scale and remained silent as the woman left the store.

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