After Her Owners Died, This Dog Was Spotted Wandering The Street With Her Stuffed Toy In Her Mouth

In Detroit (USA), a dog who used to roam the streets with a tattered stuffed animal in her mouth was adopted by a loving family.

Nikki is an adorable senior German Shepherd dog who recently lost her owners. Some time ago, the furball was spotted several times wandering the streets of Detroit ( USA ) with a dirty stuffed animal in its mouth.

Without real surprise, this sad picture upset the inhabitants of the district, who hastened to help him. They gave him food and water. They also contacted an animal shelter.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the pooch was finally captured by a team of rescuers. Throughout its rescue, the quadruped refused to let go of its precious toy.

Shortly after, the dog was welcomed into the premises of the Almost Home Animal Rescue association . On site, Nikki, who suffered from heartworm disease, was taken care of by the center’s veterinarians.

For their part, the volunteers set to work to bring his cuddly toy back to life: ” He was very dirty and torn ,” said Gail Montgomery, the organization’s director, to The Dodo.

Before adding: “ We washed it, sewed it up and returned it to Nikki. She was so weak that she fell asleep on it ”.

After her hospitalization, the German shepherd and her stuffed animal were entrusted to a loving foster family: “ She is so happy with her foster parents that she no longer even needs her stuffed animal (…) She takes advantage of life ,” Gail Montgomery said in an email to HuffPost.

According to her, Nikki’s foster family plans to adopt her in order to offer her a shelter for life.


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