Internet star: The little one was born with silver hair and his parents were left baffled

Newborn babies are very cute creatures. You can stare at them for hours.

And their images also on social networks or on the pages of newspapers warm the heart and fill it with tenderness.

And if a newborn is more charming and differs from others in beauty or something special, it’s just a sight to behold.

A special boy was born in Hungary. The baby weighed five kilograms. He was born healthy and had an extraordinary appearance.

The little one’s hair was entirely silver. It was a big surprise for parents and medical staff.

The parents gave him the name Benz.

Specialists could not explain the cause of this unusual feature in the small Benz.

They were able to reveal that it was not albinism, but simply, the baby’s hair was gray.

According to specialists, such a case could happen if the pregnant woman was very stressed.

But the parents of the baby said that during the pregnancy everything was fine and she was calm.

There was also another hypothesis, it could be a lack of vitamin B12 or an affectation of the hair cells.

The baby is the third child in the family, and the other two have ordinary colored hair.

Today, the boy is very famous in his hometown. They call him Prince Charming.

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