A 7000-year-old stone road has been discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean, off the island of Korčula (Croatia).
Recently, scientists from the University of Zadar in Croatia discovered a 7,000-year-old stone road. This exceptional find was discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, off the island of Korčula.
As the magazine Ça m’intrigue points out, the four-meter-wide track was hidden under layers of sea mud, five meters below sea level. From then on, a question was on everyone’s lips: what was the function of this path?
According to the team of archaeologists, the road connected the artificial island of Soline (now submerged under water) to the island of Korčula. This ancient site, discovered in 2021 by archaeologist Mate Parica, was occupied by a maritime culture (known as Hvar) in Neolithic times.
Analyzes carried out on artifacts revealed that the city dates from around 4,900 BC: ” People walked on this road almost 7,000 years ago ,” the Croatian University said in a statement. posted on Facebook.
Since its discovery, the archaeological site of Soline has delighted researchers. It must be said that the place is extremely well preserved: ” The fact that this area, unlike most parts of the Mediterranean, is sheltered from large waves, has certainly helped to preserve the site from natural destruction “, Mate Paricia told Reuters.
Without real surprise, the teams will continue to explore the underwater places in order to unearth other treasures dating from this prehistoric period. Scientists have already found knife blades, stone axes and even fragments of sacrifices.