A British retiree has been making perfect love for nearly three years with a young unemployed man 45 years younger than him. Against the advice of her relatives, the retiree decided to marry the one she fell in love with.
It was a first virtual meeting on Facebook that started it all, in 2019. Iris Jones, 80, and Mohamed Ibriham, 35, became friends on the social network. The current passes and a friendship is created.
However, and very quickly, the two Internet users want to meet in the flesh. Iris Jone does not hesitate for a second and flies to Cairo where the 35-year-old man lives. The two friends fall in love with each other and a love story begins just like their first antics.
“My ex-husband said I was frigid when we divorced 40 years ago, but now I know I’m not, ” the former housekeeper told Britain’s Daily Star .
This brand new relationship is accelerating. Just four days after meeting, the two lovers decide to get married. Inevitably, the children of Iris do not see this quick marriage very favorably . They think that the man wants to take advantage of the pensioner ‘s money . But the octogenarian replies. “ If he marries me for my fortune, he will be disappointed because I only live on a pension. He even said he was going to sign a prenuptial agreement because it’s me he wants and not my house , ”she explains to the daily.
Determined to marry the man she loves, Iris Jones agrees against the advice of those close to her. The two lovers finally said ‘yes’ to each other in November 2020. The newlyweds, however, had to face a final inconvenience while waiting ten months for Mohamed Ibriham to obtain his British visa because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally reunited in England, the couple gave an interview to the Today Morning Show to give their opinion on the age difference in a couple: “ Love triumphs over everything. We are going through problems now because Mohamed is adjusting to life in the West, and I am adjusting to having a man in the house .”