Talent contests have become popular in many countries. It’s a chance for talented people to be heard, a chance to realize themselves.
This boy is only 10 years old, but his talent can be seen with the naked eye. Perhaps he will soon be admired by billions of fans, but for now he has won over millions of Internet users. The guy was on the Romanian show Next Star. He sang “Show must go on” so well that the entire audience gave him a standing ovation, and the jury wept in admiration.
Alex Pirvu is blind, but this does not prevent him from demonstrating his talent as a singer on the TV show “Next Star” in Romania. Her rich voice is exceptionally mature for such a young singer, and her ability to convey feelings is exceptional. Pirvu’s ability to radiate his inner warmth to others touches many people deeply.
When 10-year-old Alex Pirvu took the stage on the TV show “Next Star,” he didn’t even dare look the judges or the audience in the eye. The boy seemed very nervous at first, but soon enough he was clearly in his own zone. I can easily understand that Alex was intimidated on stage.
After all, he’s only 10 years old and about to perform one of Freddie Mercury’s classics. Not easy ! But as soon as the first chords of “Show Must Go On” blare from the speakers, Alex manages to calm down. It quickly becomes apparent that this boy really has an amazing voice!
Sometimes it’s really surprising how such amazing and beautiful voices can come out of little people. The judges, of course, were stunned when they heard the low, loud voice of a 10-year-old boy. They couldn’t believe their ears when the boy was singing. Hear the boy sing to yourself in the video below. What a talented young man!