Jim and Sasha Allen performed The Beatles’ “Hey Jude” during the Top 20 Playoffs live on The Voice. They had two minutes for their song and every second was beautiful.
Father and son were seated next to each other. Both wore sleek, dapper black suits. Jim played the piano and he opened the song while Sasha provided backup vocals.
Ariana Grande couldn’t help but smile during their performance.
The audience cheered and applauded them. It was a classic song that everyone knows and loves, and they made it their own. Jim’s voice was fantastic and Sasha sounded like a rock star.
Individually their voices were phenomenal and together they blended seamlessly. The way they performed together was fascinating to watch. Jim looked at his son with a proud look in his eyes.
Midway through the song, Ariana stood up and cheered them on. Sasha got down on her knees as the music got louder and more upbeat. All the judges loved it.
Jim and Sasha had big smiles on their faces as the song ended. They were satisfied with their performance, and the public was too.